School Management System

School Management System


Project Overview

A comprehensive School Management System designed to streamline administrative tasks, enhance communication, and improve overall efficiency in educational institutions. Features include student management, attendance tracking, grade management, and parent communication portal.

Project Gallery

School Management Admin Assignments Dashboard

Project Overview

A comprehensive School Management System designed to streamline administrative tasks, enhance communication, and improve overall efficiency in educational institutions. Features include student management, attendance tracking, grade management, and parent communication portal.

Key Features

  • 👧 Student information management
  • 🕰️ Attendance tracking system
  • 🎓 Grade management
  • 📨 Parent communication portal
  • 📊 Administrative dashboard

Technical Details

Built with Next.js 14 App Router, using Prisma as ORM with PostgreSQL database. Implements real-time updates with WebSocket for attendance and grade notifications.

Challenges & Solutions

Implementing a scalable database schema that could handle complex relationships between students, classes, and grades while maintaining optimal performance.